Neon Confetti Irresistible!

Hi! Happy January! Is that a thing that people say? Happy January anyway :)

So far I’ve spent quite a lot of this calendar year eating nachos (YES) and watching the West Wing on netflix (YES) with my favourite person :) I have not been doing any knitting (broken record: no-crafting-for-wrist-healing-for-as-long-as-I-can-stand-it-so-that-hopefully-it-really-heals-this-time).

But! I did do a little bit of knitting back in mid-December that I haven’t shown you yet. (It was a bad idea wrists-wise, but I can still show it to you. Yeah!)

Remember this neon yarn that I gushed about (from Vancouver’s RainCityKnits) which I picked up at this summer’s Fibrations festival in Victoria?


I love speckley, sprinkley yarns like this one, even though I sometimes have a hard time finding patterns that really make them shine. I’m using it to make (Guelph’s) Ash Kearns’ pattern, Clincher, and I’m still pretty obsessed with it. (Also kind of pleased that both the yarn and the pattern are by Canadians :) )


I think the combination of yarn and pattern here is FANTASTIC. Kudos to RainCity dyer (and lovely person) Krista for doing such a beautiful and non-pool-ey dye job!

Project glamour shots time? I think so.





Neon yarn + simple, addictive pattern + bright happy project bag = COME ON


Finally, regularly scheduled cat leg cameo:


Yeah. I really, really love how this yarn is knitting up, and when I’m back in fighting form knitting-wise, I’m going to be all over this prettiness. It just makes my heart happy!

Greens galore! (aka blanket update)

Guess what! Garter chevron stripe blanket update! :D

A sneak peak is enough, right?


A little bit more?




In all it’s three-stripes-and-four-colours-done-so-far glory! Um, yes. It’s still making me super happy. Squishy and drapey and garterey and GREEN! For real.

Getting to start a new colour in any striped project is always especially exciting for me. The first of the darker greens!



Even though it’s starting to get a little bit warm where I am, our summers are pretty mild, and working on this blanket in the cool evenings or shadier afternoons is still totally pleasant.


I’m inching along! This is the last full stripe, which is also pretty exciting. Once this colour is finished (which won’t be a for a while), I’ll be knitting two triangles to fill in the bottom corners. I love this pattern! (It’s the Heirloom Chevron Throw by Jocelyn Tunney :) )

Besides this garterey goodness, I’ve been working on another blanket project, too… (you can probably guess which one). Are you into blanket knitting? I am a teeny bit obsessed :)